President Office Chair


This stylish president office chair from YN Chairs offers a stationary desk chair solution that gives you optimal comfort and productivity. The chair has a robust frame construction for added durability and is completed with black faux leather for a look that's both attractive and durable.

A chrome base and flat panel arms provide stability and a modern feel. The swivel and height adjustable features enable you to find the perfect working position for you, so you can stay comfortable for longer. Ergonomic features such as comfortable back and neck support plus height adjustable lumbar support ensure that you remain comfortable and productive throughout the day.

The chair also has a full range of tilt tension simulating virtually all possible positions without the need to adjust the lever. The combined gap between the upper and the lower backrest can be adjusted to get ideal thoracic region support along with the regular backrest adjustment system.

For ease of movement, the seat and arms can be adjusted both horizontally and vertically in sync with the tilt mechanism. The height of the seat can also be adjusted to suit individual users, while the mid-back area supports both your upper and lower back.

The heavy-duty chair features an adjustable tilt tension control for appropriate personalized tension to let you find your best working position. The back can be easily adjusted either up or down for increased or decreased lumbar support, while a contoured design provides additional comfort and style.

Stainless steel lift shafts are used for the height adjustment features, as well as extra footrest for added comfort. A reinforced frame can handle up to 375 lbs, so you can rely on this chair to stand up to long-term use.

Ideal for executive office settings, this president office chair from YN Chairs is the perfect way to create a comfortable, professional environment.




Contact: Edison

Phone: +86-18101-061626



Add: Hebei Province,China